Sunday, 4 November 2007

Cooking for fun

I stayed at home for my entire weekend and decided to cook everything I had in the fridge and tried some new recipe.

This is Ma Poh Taufu. This is so tasty that I can gobble up two bowls of rice with this alone.
Curry Chicken. My mum tells me this is a good way to trick children to eat carrots and celery or any other vegetables. The cooked vege are all soft and blend so well into the gravy that they are hardly noticeable. A clever trick. I believe my mum is a genius in cooking. My family has a very balanced diet without even knowing it.
And check out who is the un-invited guest?
Stir Fried Mixed Vege.
Fish Finger with Mustard. I love mustard.


Ani said...

OMG!! You are such a good cook! You must cook for me when you come back from Dubai!

smelicat said...

Yea I sure will.

I am not a good cook anyway, those pictures are heavily photoshoped.
